Category: Uncategorized


Is Acidity Killing You?

Is acidity killing you? Many of you reading this with interest have been, admit it now, popping your Pan 40s, Rantacs and Gelusils over years and years. If these didn’t exist, you have no doubt you would be in a condition worse than mere death, right? After all, who would wish the sharp and sourRead More


The Fat Child Is The Mirror

The fat child is the mirror  In our cities, we are no longer struck by how many families have fat kids of various ages. In my childhood, a fat kid was always an exception. Today, not. As a guy considered to have expertise in weight loss in its many dimensions, I am often approached byRead More



Metabolic mess in middle age We belong to a culture where mothers (and, in fact, everyone) feed their kids lots of nice foods and lots of them. Modern science has studied this phenomenon and I have to say this: you may be rearing your child in a way where their health suffers to life-threatening levels.Read More


Things About Fat Children You Should Know

Things about fat children you should know We belong to a culture where mothers (and, in fact, everyone) feed their kids a lot of nice food and a lot of them. Modern science has studied this phenomenon and I have to say this: you may be rearing your child in a way where their healthRead More


The Successful Fat Loss Mindset

The successful fat loss mindset “One sucker is born every minute” – old American saying. The global weight loss industry is an incredible 586 billion US dollars. I tried converting that to rupees, and failed – it is uncountable! Now, think of this – if what they sold to us worked while they (the corporations) gotRead More


Problems With Childhood Obesity In India

Problems with childhood obesity in India Obesity is a commonly used term that means being overweight. This means if a person is 20% more than his/her ideal weight, he/she is suffering from obesity. India is in the 3rd position for the highest obese population in the world, the US being the 1st and china theRead More


Open Hernia Surgery v/s Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery

Open Hernia surgery v/s laparoscopic Hernia Surgery Over the years, science has evolved and the new laparoscopic approach to performing surgery has come to light. But the ultimate question that has came into the minds of patients who have to undergo Hernia surgery is to choose between the “laparoscopic” and the “open surgery approach”.  TheRead More


50 Things You Need To Know About Diabetes

50 things you need to know about diabetes As we all know, diabetes is a household name now. It is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, which is also known as blood sugar, is too high. Your main source of energy is blood glucose which comes from the food you eat. Here areRead More

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