How Roux-en-y bypass surgery is performed?
In this procedure, a micro pouch is created from the native stomach by firing staplers that divide and seal the walls of the stomach. The micro pouch is then connected to a small intestine limb, known as the alimentary limb, which basically empties the micro pouch of what you eat and drink. If the small bowel were connected as a loop (if you recall high school biology, the small bowel is one tube that lies in several loops), then the patient would have severe and intolerable bilious vomiting (the small bowel contains the bile from the bile duct). Therefore, a specific procedure is created where the part of the bowel that goes to connect with the new stomach pouch does not contain the bile. At the same time, the part of the bowel that carries the bile from the bile duct side is connected further below that limb. The bile travels through the biliopancreatic limb to join the alimentary limb to form a common channel and helps in the digestion of fat and protein. If you cannot understand this, please ask at your consultation and this will be explained in detail.